Announcing something big!

Last year for Christmas, I had J get me a fancy microphone and accessories to go with it because I was finally feeling ready to jump head first into a podcast idea I've had percolating and brewing in my head for a long time. Here we are in November, and I am finally ready to bring The Expat Repat Podcast to the world. I am so excited!

I spent a lot of time learning through trial and error, and reaching out to awesome people, and watching YouTube videos over and over again. It has finally resulted in something I feel really proud of and I'm so excited to share with you.

So, please hop on over to The Expat Repat Podcast at to learn more. And while you're there, don't forget to sign up for the mailing list so you'll be the first to know when the show goes live!

Thank you for your support and love, and don't worry, this does not mean I will stop writing Swiss Lark. I'll be back to the usual content this week. And I'll be curious if you find that my voice sounds like you think it should! ;) Thank you again, and do check out the new site and join the mailing list. Hugs and love to you all!


  1. This is so exciting!!! Congrats!!

    1. Thank you so much, Amanda! It feels a little scary...! So nice to have your support. xo

  2. Oh I'm so excited about this! Can't wait to listen to all of your podcasts!!!

    1. Hooray! It makes my day to know that you like the idea. Maybe you would consider being a guest, too?! ;)

  3. OMG. Somehow I am just now seeing this post. So late to the party...but at the party. LOL. YAY!

  4. Thank you so much for this. We almost moved back to the States last year - but my husband was offered an internal transfer and we took it. I agonised over the choice, and then the last visit back flipped out. Anyway. I've been listening to all these and they've been so helpful, I'm so grateful you're doing this! The episode with Alison Trainer was so helpful, as is hearing from people with foreign spouses. Are you on patreon? :)

  5. I listened to a couple and found I wanted to jump in to the conversation but afterwards it made me think about our expat/repat experience more actively and brought up a lot of homesickness so even though I found them super interesting, I had to not listen to more. Much like you talked about unsubscribing to Instagram feeds, I find myself more content in our present life if I don't spend too much time thinking what I miss from our expat life.

    Ironically though I am commenting today because I was trying to find a thread somewhere I thought was maybe here but maybe on another blog where people talked about what to ask people new to a country. And I had to contradict people saying to ask "how do you like it here". I loathed that question because you can't say anything negative obviously and so it becomes a falsely sunny canned answer that you trot out to please people. Ironically as a repat I got the reverse... people want to hear how relieved you are to be "home" as if on both sides there has to be a "winner" country. For us both places have their pros and cons and we were ready to move home so are mostly feeling happy about it but there are definitely permanent changes to our outlook and things we will always find special about our expat home too. Complicated feelings even 2 year into our repatriation.

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  7. We've got some really exciting news to share – we're announcing something BIG! Stay tuned because we can't wait to tell you all about it! Get ready for some awesome updates coming your way soon!


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