A Pilgrimage to IKEA

Behold. Here is the happy face of someone who loves going to IKEA. This is on the drive back to Spokane after we had gotten up at 5, driven to Seattle, made a failed attempt at having lunch at my favorite restaurant on Capitol Hill (sad that didn't work out due to a "moderate kitchen fire" - what are the chances?!), sat in a good amount of traffic because, Seattle; gone to IKEA Renton on a Saturday (WHY?!) and then loaded everything up to get back on the I-90 and drive another 4 hours back to Spokane. Still smiling. Still happy. I love IKEA.

Had I been on my own, I would have been doing Instagram stories and live broadcasts and reveling in it, because, now that we live 4 hours and 17 minutes from the nearest IKEA, I pretty much never get to go. But, I was not on my own. And J hates going to IKEA, so it was all business and we got in there, got everything on my IKEA family list and got out of there as quickly as we could. Sigh.

I had measured everything to be sure it would all fit in the car and it all worked out. Phew!

But I was a little worried that Nissedal mirror would either whack us in the head or break on the drive back. Remarkably, everything went just fine and we've been very slowly implementing all of the changes since we got back. It's amazing how hard it is to build IKEA furniture and spruce up spaces with children at home. It's more or less impossible!

It killed me to dismantle this sweet room today, but it's been a long time coming. Coco and Theo have soundly outgrown these beds and it was time to say goodbye. Still. But I did it! And now that the band-aid has come off, so to speak, I'm looking forward to sharing all of the new spaces with you. If you're on Instagram, be sure to check out my stories!

More soon! Thank you, my dears, as always for reading.


  1. I LOVE Ikea. LOVE IT. I could easily spend the entire day there getting inspired.

    And yes, almost impossible to change spaces, build furniture, paint, update the bathroom, anything of the sort with kids around. This summer we'd planned to do a million different things in our home and we managed to do like two. Oh, well.

    Love that you're blogging more lately (I've been sort of out-of-it, sorry!) and love the new(ish) site design!

    -Roxana :)

    1. Oh, thank you, Roxana! I always miss blogging so much when life gets too busy. Hopefully things will stay sustainable this fall so I can keep it up longer than a few weeks. ;) I could also spend a whole day at IKEA. I find it so fun to hang out in the little houses and rooms they have set up. It's the BEST! xo

  2. I missed running into you by a week! We went to IKEA on the 1st before dropping my mom off at the airport. We all love IKEA, so it's kind of a thing we do on the weekends. Not so much lately, but definitely during the first year after we moved here. We also used to love going to IKEA in Switzerland for browsing and lingonberry soda and cheap hotdogs ;)

    1. Okay, a few things. We should totally *plan* to meet up! I would love to finally meet you, Amanda. And, this is totally embarrassing, but I have already decided I will write a post about it when it gets closer, but I am planning to go to IKEA while I'm in Switzerland in January!!!!! (Hiding my face and blushing;) It's a long story, which I shall tell, but it all has to do with duvet measurements. And also, I just loved going to IKEA there and I will eat a hot dog and drink lingonberry soda in your honor! FOR SURE. :) I'm so glad you can understand me on this one! xoxoxo

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