I am craving bright sunlight and fresh spring air. It's been the slowest start of spring of all time here in Spokane. Finally the cherry in our front yard is starting to get little buds. Hooray! This weekend I just want to clean, be outside as much as possible and take lots of naps. Sounds good after a week of sick kids and no sleep. Phew!
Here is a bit of what caught my eye this week:
Amazing recipe idea for one of Trader Joe's absolute best products.
This is What Happens to Half-used Hotel Room Soap.
Not your usual April showers.
Cutest ever idea for those pop-open cinnamon rolls.
Theo's really into books on this topic lately.
So wish I were going to this workshop in May.
This article really made me think.
The coolest bath toy ever.
26 Ways to Take Your Life Back When You're Broken.
Drooling over this tote for spring and summer - and fall!
I hope your weekend is amazing! Get rest, be kind to yourself and notice the little things. See you back here Monday. xo
(Photo via Pinterest)
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