What are your plans this weekend? We went to check out a new barbecue joint in town tonight and after last week's episode, I'm actually counting down the hours until Homeland Sunday night. OMG. How on earth do those writers do it? Each season is better than the last. I don't even see how it's possible. Also, major kudos to Claire Danes for having a face that actually moves and has an appropriate number of lines for someone our age. I love that so much. She's amazing.
And, here are a few links for your weekend:
Such a good song.
So excited that Tim Ferris is interviewing Marie Kondo this week in Tokyo.
I've died and gone to laundry heaven.
Clever kitchen storage idea.
A complete list of creative conferences in 2017.
Totally digging this lunch bag.
Expats' loss of identity.
If you watched the ESPN documentary on OJ, you'll love this series (currently on Netflix).
Positively devouring this book. The introduction felt like it was written just for me!
A very long, but thought provoking read.
And, from the archives, cozy dining and dining in Alsace.
Have a great weekend! See you back here on Monday. xo
(Photo via Lindsey Tramuta on Instagram)
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