How dreadful has the violence of the past week in Minnesota, Louisiana and Texas been? I can't even begin to comprehend it all. More and more I feel that the world we are living in lacks terribly in love. Love starts at home. Make sure you sit down to eat with your family this weekend. Put your phone away and talk to the people with whom you're lucky enough to be sharing a table. Listen. Ask. Care about them and their interests and their lives.
Two other things that seem to be making our world sick are fear and a scarcity complex. Brené Brown writes about this, and it is true. What do we do when we start to feel afraid and worry that there isn't enough to go around? We build walls, and those walls cause more problems than they'll ever solve.
Somehow everything just seems to be eroding. Where is the love? Where is the respect and admiration for human life?
Each one of us needs to feel whole and worthwhile in order to be able to respect and admire the wholeness and worthiness of others. Start by making sure your children, spouse, partner, roommates - whoever it is you share space with - make sure those people feel loved unconditionally. In a situation that feels utterly powerless, it seems like a good place to start.
And here is a bit of what caught my eye around the web this week:
Beautiful essay on immigration.
So inspired by this home tour. (That tiny wardrobe! Yes.)
I wonder if this would work on Coco's hair?
It's not your fault you can't parent like the French.
For tough times.
From Germany, the world's greatest sand toys.
I'm fascinated by the J-shaped spine.
On listening.
Noooooooo, dry shampoo! :(
I hope you have a peaceful weekend. See you back here Monday! xo
(Photo via Land of Nod)
That tangle teezer brush is the best! I use one on all three of my girls and myself and it's the best at removing knots. We all have pretty fine hair and a lot of it which means it knots/mats super easily. In fact, Ava gets dreads if she doesn't brush her hair properly every day! This brush gets all of the knots (even the dreads) out pretty easily and without much complaining from the kids. The best bit is that you can use it on wet hair too!
ReplyDeleteSold! I'm ordering one ASAP. Thank you so much!!! xo