Sunday is, of course, Easter, and it's also J's birthday. My mom is babysitting so J and I can go out Saturday night and Sunday we're doing a brunch, egg-hunt and birthday party combo at my sister's house. The forecast is for sun during the caucuses and rain during Easter. A little switcheroo would be good.
Here's a bit of what caught my eye this week:
This toy would make Theo cheer!
Are you thriving where you live?
Prenuptial Q&A. (This is so good.)
Seemingly inexpensive money suckers.
Good news for small hands!
Screen time.
A real-life teddy bear!
Hair woes.
Thorough profile of Bernie, the democratic socialist.
Reclaim some counter space.
I was more than rattled by the Brussels attacks. It really made me wonder if we even want to consider moving back to Europe? But then I remembered that we're probably just as likely, if not more so, to get killed in some school or other mass shooting here in the US, so why not? Six of one, half a dozen of the other. How's that for depressing? I spent several hours this past week, awake in the night, worrying about each of those scenarios in vivid detail. Not good use of the Kopfkino at all. My heart is with all of the victims and their families.
I hope that you have a fantastic weekend! See you back here Monday. xo
(Bernie photo via mic.com)
Razor blades and Brita filters -- curse you money suckers! Ugh, the whole screen time thing, I almost wish we had never ever shown Hunter the TV. We have been doing TV only on the weekends, and end up leaving the house a ton just to avoid screen time because my child is addicted to the TV! Every day he asks, "Is it the weekend yet?" (even on Monday) -- it is totally depressing that my 3 year old is already living for the weekend. And I need those wire baskets!
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