My due date when I was pregnant with Coco was three days before my own birthday so I'm heading into the third year of having my birthday overshadowed by hers! ;) In the end, she made her much-anticipated appearance two days after my birthday, but even still, that year, my birthday was just another day of waiting for the baby. Of course we celebrated; we had a really nice dinner on our friends' rooftop terrace while they were out of town and J gave me a pair of earrings from Tiffany's that I love. But I was just thinking about the baby coming mostly. Then last year, my birthday was a complete afterthought even though it came before Coco's big day of turning one. I don't even think we did anything! :( So this year, I am getting back in the game. Anne-Sophie is babysitting so J and I can go out together and I've got my wish list all ready. Here's what I'm dreaming of...
Clockwise from top
J surprised me with the "Tickle the Ivories" bangle when Coco and I arrived home from the States and I've worn it all summer. It's so fun and fancy and I want at least 3 or more to stack up my arm.
I like really heady floral scents and the tuberose in this one makes me close my eyes and swoon.
Not sticky and neutral with some sparkle. It's the perfect way to feel put-together and pretty while chasing a toddler around the playground. Just add mascara and blush. ;)
In Switzerland, no one ever leaves their shoes on inside, and over time, we've adopted this cultural habit. I want a pair of really comfortable, warm and adorable house shoes for the winter!
Austin Air Filters are the best. This is something I've wanted for years and years as a dust mite allergy sufferer. I clean our bedroom obsessively, but this would help immensely!
A minimalist blend of glam and down-to-earth, and US-made in Detroit to boot. I love it.
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