Yesterday, our friend Dominic took this picture of us without our knowing and I really love it. There's our life in one quick snippet. A family of three, happy, smiling - and slim. It makes me feel very vain to admit it, but now that I have my body back to its pre-pregnancy shape, I am not exactly excited to get pregnant again. I guess that's the magic of the first pregnancy: you don't know what the road back looks like, so you just eat and eat and enjoy as many root beer floats as you'd like! Ha. Not that I would ever diet during pregnancy, and not that I think it would even help. They say that you're going to gain what your body says you're going to gain, and I believe it. For the most part, I had an extremely healthy and well-balanced pregnancy diet. But I did love those root beer floats when I had them. Oh man, did I ever!
Rambles aside, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really like life right now. Just the way it is. I'm filled with all of these questions of what's next and where we're going and I think the reason I don't have any answers is that I am just happy with the way things are. Coco and I just got back from a fantastic visit with my family. We are swimming everyday and having the best summer ever. Coco is adorable and gets cuter and talks more every day. Why would we want to change anything?
We don't.
But that's the tricky thing with life. It's changing all the time and we have to keep up. So I ask myself: Should I get a job? Should I get pregnant again? Should we stay in Switzerland for another year? Two? Three? Five? When will I visit my family next? What do I really want? You know, big questions. But no answers! I can't seem to answer a single one. Oh well! ;)
PS - I know I said I'd be back to regular posting today, but Coco spilled a cup of coffee on our computer Friday and I think this is it. The Genius Bar will tell me tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure our computer is toast! :( I'll keep you posted, but until it's fixed or we get a new one, good thing my photos from the States are safe and sound on my camera card. Sometimes procrastinating is a very good thing! :) I hope to be back up and running again very soon. Until then, follow along on Instagram and I'll do mobile posts (like this one) where you can see my Instagram photos again. ;) Thanks for understanding! xo
Love this! I know what you mean abt the body. It was almost exactly two years after Edgar was born that I said--OK, I can give it up again. And the second time was easier because I knew that it WOULD come back.
ReplyDeleteI felt pretty frustrated with my body at around 2/3 months post baby 2, but then I picked up running and it made a really big difference. Whenever we have baby 3, I'm going to have the plan to start running right at 2/3 months, so I won't be as stressed out about it next time.
Big love from the states!
Hi! I came across your blog via your comment on A Cup of Jo. I'm an Australian living in Sweden, and I love reading about other people's experiences of life overseas.
ReplyDeleteI can understand a lot of your questions as they run through my head pretty frequently - children, should we stay here or go somewhere else, if so where, etc.
I'm looking forward to reading more here :)
Love that pic of you three. Can't wait to catch up in a few days!