It's Sunday and all sorts of weird things are happening!
It's sunny for the first time in ages. Wow. Sunny, but freezing, so I'm still miffed with the weather forecasters. ;)
Right now, it's 4:03 pm and Coco has yet to nap. Oh my! We are going to have one crabby baby on our hands in 90 minutes. I'd better be ready to feed her, bathe her and have her in bed by 6:30. You know those kind of toddler days?
The nine hour time difference between Switzerland and the West Coast of the States is really getting to me today for some reason. Sometimes I just want to chat on the phone with someone, but everyone who I might chat with is really far away. Oddly, I don't seem to talk on the phone with my friends here. And Sunday is strictly a family day anyway, so even if we did talk on the phone, we wouldn't on Sunday. That leaves only the folks at home and with the nine hour time difference, there is almost NEVER a good time to talk. Woe is me!
Coco chipped her tooth earlier! It's a very tiny chip, but I think she will have her first dentist appointment sooner than most children. I'm not taking any chances with her teeth. It would be so awful for her to have a discolored front tooth throughout her entire childhood, wouldn't it? :(
The J key on our computer popped off when Coco dropped an empty glass on it. Just glad that the glass was empty and that the J key is one that you actually don't use that often. What can you do? ;)
I'm thinking enough of this weekend business already! Let's get the week started. How's your Sunday going? xo
(photo via)
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