Have a sunny weekend!

How was your week? Ours was really hard actually, but watching this NASA fly over video of the Earth from space is so relaxing and comforting to me for some reason. I was really happy to find it this week. :) What's going on, you ask? Marriage is a lot work, but in the first years after having a baby, it seems you have to completely find your way again. Naturally! It's a big deal to add a third person to a relationship, and the impact is so gradual that you might not even notice until things are a bit bent out of shape. It's hard to hit a rough patch, but that's something you can always count on in marriage. There will always be ups and downs. And the downs really can suck! :( So this weekend, I hope that we can get out in the sun for some long walks and enjoy each other. I'm also thinking it might be a good idea to order this book and get some perspective from the experts. Probably a good idea, but wouldn't it be nice if it could all just sail along effortlessly? ;)

Here are a few things that caught my eye online this week:

Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 1. (Don't worry. No spoilers!)

Don't say these things to a mom. Really. 

Are you a sloucher, too?

Homemade samosas, anyone? So easy!

I'm already complaining about allergies, this is next.

It's not a popular stance, but I find it so tragic that children are entirely without a voice in this debate.

However, as a stay-at-home-mom this is something I need to work on. ;)

Coco would love this sweet doll.

We need something like this after a fall off a chair last week! :(

Now that it's warming up, I'm excited to wear this perfume

And, that's all folks. I hope your weekend is wonderful! See you back here Monday. xo


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