Happy St Patrick's Day weekend! What are your plans? I'm disappointed that we aren't in Spokane for the annual family celebration (photo of Coco and I last year above), but J and I are excited to have a date Sunday night! :) We are going to a comedy show and for a drink beforehand. Our neighbors are babysitting for Coco and we can't wait to have an evening out together.
Here is what caught my eye this week:
If the wage to child care costs ratio were weighed equally, I'm pretty sure Switzerland would be the bottom of the list!
Cheerful yellow kitchen.
What do you think of the new "The Sexes" channel at The Atlantic?
Sweetest note from father to son.
We are spending way too much on these every month.
I hope you have a fantastic St Patrick's Day! Wear green. :) See you back here Monday! xo
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