This is a photo of Coco swinging in Duboce Park during our visit with my friend Kate back in October. It was a perfect, warm, gorgeous, sunny California day. Exactly the type of day you dream of on a dreary, sleety, cold, grey Zurich day.
I officially am no longer handling winter well. In fact, I have decided that I really hate winter. At least the post-Christmas festivities portion. The past two years, we have traveled during J's February holidays. In 2011, we went to Barcelona. It was the very beginning of my pregnancy and I was mildly nauseated the entire time, but we had so much fun anyway. We had gone for the sun, and sun is what we got. Warm, life giving sunshine. Maybe I'll just close my eyes and pretend we are there right now.
Then last year, we went to the States to introduce Coco to her cousins and aunts uncles and grandparents and that was something wonderful to look forward to.
Here is Coco reading a book with my sister Juliet while we were out for breakfast one morning. Seeing my family or exploring a new city are great ways to beat the winter blues. But this year, there is nothing to look forward to. No travel, no visitors. Blah. So I'll be relieved to kick this virus once and for all so that I can get going and keep myself busy with some projects. Until then, February is not turning out to be the respite I had hoped for! :(
How do you beat the winter blues during this bleak, flu and virus riddled period? I'd love to hear your tips and tricks! xo
It’s okay that you don’t get to take any holidays this times around. Don’t feel bad, you could try taking part in activities that might be happening in your city to keep yourself occupied.