Have a sweet weekend.

This week was a busy and stressful week in our house. Coco has been teething mercilessly and it's made for difficult nights for everyone. Poor baby! She's getting closer to walking every day and her favorite thing lately is climbing the stairs. I still can't believe she is almost one year old. What a precious, sweet time it has been. And (much to my surprise) it just keeps getting better all the time. :) What are you doing this weekend? I'm hoping to do some knitting and we want to take advantage of the perfect fall weather with a few walks. 

A few things that caught my eye this week below. 

Our Friday night dinner (with quinoa instead of white rice!).

Hot pink will keep winter cheerful!

I'm obsessed with this emerald hue right now.

Number 2 describes our house lately.

It's all about the drugstore mascara.

Interesting debate on girls and women.

I have to get Coco this darling playtime bib.

With winter coming up, this is a particularly gorgeous book.

And, just in case you missed it, my guest post on momfilter!

See you all back here Monday! xo

(Photo via Flickr)
