Have a gorgeous weekend!

This weekend I'm in the mood to cook, so we are eating lots of excellent food and enjoying one last summer weekend. It's a three-day weekend for Joel because of a local holiday involving bows and arrows and children. Last year a girl won! We plan to relax, swim and kiss summer goodbye with love. What are you doing? Is the weather forecast good where you are? 

Here is a little sampling of what caught my eyes (and ears) this week. 

Tonight's dinner, which J calls an Italian cheeseburger! ;) Don't skip the cream. 

Sorry fall, summer's back

A beautiful song to make you think.

I've really been wondering about this. Poor baby!

Omgosh. I'm addicted!

Fantastic episode that will have you laughing out loud.

I just signed up for two free online classes! #thanksbing

Sometimes we find what we're meant to do a little bit later than most

Not helping my Mexican food obsession!

When we buy a house. (J said no, by the way. ;)

See you back here Monday! xo
