Expect today to be a day filled with many posts. I am still sick and lying in bed with a hot cup of tea and my laptop is a good thing to do when sick. I can watch a movie in my bed, or read the New York Times in bed. Or pay bills in bed. Or check facebook and email in bed. Then when I'm ready for a nap, I just set the laptop aside and snooze. Now that I'm not writhing in pain, getting my strength back is almost pleasant. Except when I swallow. Or sweat feverishly. Or can't snooze due to nausea. But at least the majority of the body pain and headache are gone. If you have not experienced Strep Throat as an adult, learn more about this hellish misery here.
But onto the beautiful things.
Wouldn't this be a lovely bed to snooze in? I am a ridiculously devoted west elm admirer. Their aesthetics just resonate on every level with me. And I love the vocabulary they put with this bedding set: Tailored, Tidy, Terrific! What glee! It's enough to put a spring in your step and how I'm dreaming of spring.
But onto the beautiful things.
Wouldn't this be a lovely bed to snooze in? I am a ridiculously devoted west elm admirer. Their aesthetics just resonate on every level with me. And I love the vocabulary they put with this bedding set: Tailored, Tidy, Terrific! What glee! It's enough to put a spring in your step and how I'm dreaming of spring.

Another beautiful thing that I cannot find one fault with is La Compagnie de Provence Savon de Marseille Extra Pur. I like the modern bottles and clean lines and this stuff lathers like you wouldn't believe. I am in the process of justifying the price tag on the rose soap in the glass bottle. Given that I will never get sick of it, and the refill is much more reasonable, I think it's a worthy investment. Lovely.

And now it's time for me to take a little nap.
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